
Terms of Use and General Information about Online Intake

By using this application you are asking the Legal Aid Society of the District of Columbia for free help with a legal matter in the District of Columbia. We cannot help with legal matters that are in Maryland, Virginia, or another state outside of the District of Columbia.

Upcoming Court Date or Deadline

We will try to get back to you within two weeks but cannot promise to make a decision by any date. If you have a court date or another deadline coming up in the next two weeks, we will try to review your application more quickly, but we cannot guarantee that we will get back to you before your upcoming court date/deadline. You are also welcome to contact Legal Aid by phone at (202) 628-1161 on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

Legal Aid Is Not Your Lawyer

Legal Aid does not represent you unless and until we give you a written agreement that says that Legal Aid will be your lawyer and will represent you in a specific matter. Until then, you are still responsible for all the actions you need to take in your case.


Legal Aid will not disclose any confidential information you share with us without your permission.

Income Guidelines for Services

We generally serve individuals whose household income is at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. For some types of cases, we may serve individuals whose household income is up to 300% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines.

Legal Aid Cannot Help Everyone

Even if you are eligible for our services, we cannot accept every case. Legal Aid must avoid conflicts of interest. A conflict can arise, for example, if we gave legal help to the opposing party in your case. If there is a conflict of interest, we won’t be able to accept your case.

There are also many other reasons why Legal Aid may not be able to take your case, including that Legal Aid simply does not have enough staff to represent all applicants who need help. If we do not take your case, we will send you a notice to let you know. We will not state the reason or whether there is a conflict of interest.

As you navigate through the form, please use the “Next” and “Back” buttons instead of your browser’s built-in arrow keys.

Click here to learn about other ways to access Legal Aid services.


For Free Legal Help

You can apply for help with a legal matter in any of Legal Aid’s practice areas at any time by using our online form.

Or you can apply for help by phone for matters involving:

  • Family law and domestic violence
  • Rental housing
  • Immigration
  • Public benefits
  • Reentry
  • Most consumer law issues (foreclosure, real property tax, structured settlement annuity transfers, and bankruptcy matters).  (For debt collection matters, please call the Debt Collection Defense hotline at 202-851-3387.)

You can call about one or more of the above matters on our intake phone line (202-628-1161) which is open on Mondays and Wednesdays from 10 AM – 3 PM.

Another way to get help is to call one of the hotlines staffed by Legal Aid and other DC legal services organizations:

  • For debt collection matters, you can call the Debt Collection Defense hotline at 202-851-3387.
  • For a rental housing issue, you call the Landlord Tenant Legal Assistance Network at 202-780-2575.
  • For a family law matter, you can call:
    • The Family Law Assistance Network at 202-844-5428.
    • The Child Support Resource Center at 202-791-3996
  • For a domestic violence matter, you can call:
    • The Domestic Violence Intake Center (NW) at 202-879-0152
    • The Domestic Violence Intake Center (SE) at 202-879-1500


We are happy to talk with you or review your online application, but we cannot guarantee that Legal Aid will be able to represent you. If you contact us, we will keep your application information confidential and will follow the legal ethics rules for lawyers in DC.

Para ayuda legal gratis:
Puede solicitar ayuda con un asunto legal en cualquiera de las áreas de practica de Legal Aid en cualquier momento utilizando nuestro formulario en línea.

O puede solicitar ayuda por teléfono para asuntos relacionados con:

  • Derecho familiar y violencia domestica
  • RLa vivienda de alquiler
  • Inmigración
  • Beneficios públicos
  • Reentrada
  • La mayoría de las cuestiones de derecho del consumidor (juicio hipotecario, impuesto sobre bienes inmuebles, transferencias de anualidades de liquidación estructurada, y asuntos de quiebra). (Para asuntos de cobro de deudas, llame a la línea directa de Debt Collection Defense al 202-851-3387.))

Puede llamar sobre uno o mas de los asuntos anteriores en nuestra línea telefónica de admisión (202-628-1161) que está abierto los lunes y miércoles de 10AM a 3PM.

Otra forma de obtener ayuda es llamar a una de las líneas directas atendidas por Legal Aid y otras organizaciones de servicios legales de DC:

  • Para asuntos de cobro de deudas, puede llamar a la línea directa de Debt Collection Defense al 202-851-3387.
  • Para un problema de vivienda de alquiler, llame a la Landlord Tenant Legal Assistance Network al 202-780-2575
  • Para un asunto de derecho familiar, puede llamar a:
    • The Family Law Assistance Network at 202-844-5428.
    • The Child Support Resource Center at 202-791-3996
  • Para un asunto de violencia doméstica, puede llamar a:
    • The Domestic Violence Intake Center (NW) at 202-879-0152
    • The Domestic Violence Intake Center (SE) at 202-879-1500


Nos complace hablar con usted o revisar su solicitud en línea, pero no podemos garantizar que Legal Aid pueda representarlo. Si se comunica con nosotros, mantendremos la información de su solicitud confidencial y seguiremos las reglas de ética legal para abogados en DC.


Please Select the Type of Case You Have:

Please select only one option. To apply for assistance with another issue, you will need to fill out the form again.

Legal Aid is not accepting online applications for help with housing issues at this time. Please contact the Landlord Tenant Legal Assistance Network at 202-780-2575 or go to to request a callback.
Legal Aid no está recibiendo aplicaciones para asistencia con casos de vivienda a este momento. Llama a al Landlord Tenant Legal Assistancr Network al (202) 780-2575 o ir a Para recibir una llamada.

  • • Child Support/Custody
  • • Domestic Violence🛈
  • • Divorce

  • • Medicare/Medicaid/Alliance
  • • Disability/SSI/SSDI
  • • TANF/Food Stamps
  • • Unemployment Benefits
  • • Home Health Aide

  • • Debt Collection and/or Bankruptcy
  • • Foreclosure🛈
  • • Auto Insurance Subrogation🛈
  • • Structured Settlement Transfer🛈

  • • Adoption
  • • Criminal
  • • Education
  • • Employment
  • • Guardianship/Conservatorship
  • • Medical Malpractice
  • • Personal Injury
  • • Power of Attorney
  • • Probate
  • • Taxes
  • • Wills

If you do not see your issue listed above, please look on our list of legal services organizations and other resources in the District of Columbia to find another organization that might be able to help you with your legal issue.